Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Establishing a High Performing Investment Committee for Corporate Retirement Plans

Survey participants’ responses in our Retirement Survey Report varied widely as to how often their investment committee met to discuss different kinds of retirement plans. However, most participants generally met on a quarterly basis, particularly so with regard to 401(a) profit sharing plans (78%), 401(a) money purchase plans (75%), and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) 403(b) plans (59%). By contrast, 29% met semiannually to discuss 401(k) plans—versus 57% who met quarterly—with an additional 26% meeting semi-annually to address issues related to ERISA 403(b) plans.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Best Practices for Setting Up An Investment Committee for Corporate Retirement Plans

In our 2014 Retirement Survey Report, about 79% of survey participants said they have an investment committee. Given a complex environment of regulatory scrutiny and fiduciary liability exposure, a committee specifically charged with investment oversight is a sound risk management strategy for plans and organizations of all types and sizes.

Although they will differ from one organization to the next, best practices suggest an investment committee’s responsibilities and duties include:

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